V2.0 subject to changes | Webdyn © by Flexitron Group
53 NTP
The hub regularly synchronises its time with an NTP server. WebdynEasy W M-Bus uses the date and time
in UTC+0 format.
IP address or NTP server name (64 characters max)
(Default address: “pool.ntp.org” and default port: 123)
The NTP port can be changed by adding “: “ then the port
number (between 1 and 65535)
Data recording and file name generation is relative to the date and time retrieved from the NTP
server in UTC+0 format. If you want to change the time zone, you will have to develop processing on the
files uploaded to the FTP server.
By default, the concentrator uses the free NTP server “pool.ntp.org”, this server does not guarantee
the accuracy of time synchronization and its robustness. It is strongly recommended to use a dedicated
NTP server. Get closer to an NTP server provider.
Using a JSON file (to be converted to BSON format for the hub):
“ntp”: “pool.npt.org”
“crc”: 0