Reference - Guide History Window
As long as a guider camera is connected, the history of the guider
s operations will be
logged in the
Guide History
window. A screen shot of this window is shown below:
Guide History Window
The guide history is show in both a graphical and a tabular view. The graphical view will
present a strip-chart style graph of the RA and DEC errors as they occur over time. The
RMS error in the two axis can also be graphed. Each of these four values are assigned
a different color for the graph and the legend is displayed in the upper right hand corner
of the window.
There are two sets of controls in the window that affect the view of the graphical data.
The first is a set of check boxes that allow the user to specify which of the four parame-
ters are graphed. Any or all of them can be shown by checking or un-checking their re-
spective check box. The second control that is available to the user is the
that allows you to specify the size of the displayed graph.
Below the graphical display of the history data is a spreadsheet type display of the his-
tory data. More information is presented in the tabular view. Specifically, guide correc-
tions that are sent to the mount are also logged along with the guide star position data.
fishcamp engineering
Guide Camera