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Содержание HotPort 5020

Страница 1: ...HotPort FiretideInstallationGuide HotPort 5020 Edge Nodes Published March 2014 Revised 2016...

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Страница 3: ...bleconnectivityanywhere HotPort andHotPoint areall trademarksofFiretide Inc Allothertrademarksarethepropertyoftheir respective owners Informationinthisdocumentissubjecttochangewithoutnotice Firetide I...

Страница 4: ...hazardsarethoseenvironmentswherethedangerof electrocutionisprobable Animageappearsbeforeeachelectrical hazard statement Warnings contain safety information that you must obey If you do notobeytheinstr...

Страница 5: ...information Youmustalsohaveadministratoraccesstothemeshtobeabletoreceive technical support Thenexttableliststhecontactinformationforcustomersupport Worldwide customer support Days Hours Contact Americ...

Страница 6: ...r 2 Product comparison 3 Beforeyoupermanentlyinstall 5 Preparing what you need to install 5 Box contents for a HotPort 5020 E node 5 Parts of an edge node 6 Ground screw 7 LEDs 7 Reset button 7 Antenn...

Страница 7: ...hing straps 24 Weatherizing the connectors 25 Troubleshooting 26 DFS 26 Cannot see a node in HotViewPro 26 After multiple reboots a node is missing 27 Static routes 27 Performance not as expected 28 R...

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Страница 9: ...adiotoextendtheedgeofameshnetwork withasingle25Mbpsdatalink ThenextimageshowsthreeHotPort7020meshnodeswithoneHotPort5020 E node TheHotPort7020meshnodesjointogethertomakeacorenetwork The HotPort5020 En...

Страница 10: ...intswith5 55 0 0orlaterfirmware HotViewPro10 15 0 0andlater HotPort5020edgenodescomeintwomodels HotPort5020 Eextendsdataconnectivityinameshnetwork HotPort5020edgenodescomewith7 15 0 0orlaterfirmwarein...

Страница 11: gatewayinterface and mobile modes They behave differently from mesh nodes Gatewayservernode Gatewayinterfacenode Meshnode Mobilenode Ethernet ports One GigE port 10 100 1000 Mbps Four GigE ports UD...

Страница 12: ...HotPort 5020 edge nodes 4...

Страница 13: ...HotPort 5020 E node TheHotPort5020 Enodeboxcontainstheseitems HotPortedgenodeinaNEMA 4Xenclosureandanassembledmountbracket One3dBiomni directionalstagingantenna Caution Donotusestagingantennasoutdoor...

Страница 14: ...ewhen it is oriented correctly for installation ona pole Radio1andRadio2LED Power LED 1 Radio1 11agn 2 3 Pressurereliefvalve Ethernet port D Cport Thenextpictureshowstheconnectors resetcoverscrew andg...

Страница 15: ...portandtheDCpowerconnector LEDs ThepanelthathastheFiretidelogohastheseLEDs Radio1andRadio2 whichindicateradiostatus HotPort5020 Enodeshave oneradio whichisalwaysRadio1 TheRadio1LEDcomeson TheRadio2 LE...

Страница 16: ...o software Dataandotherapplicationthroughputteststomakesurethenodescan sendandreceivedata Learntousetheradioalignmenttool Train installation personnel Materials thatarenot included Theseitemsarerequir...

Страница 17: ...esh configuration and apply the file on the edge node ToconfigureanedgenodeanddotestswithHotViewProsoftware 1 Put the node on a table 2 Maketheconnectionsshowninthenextfigure Note Theadministratorcomp...

Страница 18: ...themesh network view see the troubleshooting information in the HotView Pro Reference Manual 7 ApplythesavedconfigurationfromaHotPort7010 7020meshnode Note Setmanualoverrides such aswirelessmodeandch...

Страница 19: ...wappearsfromwhichtoselectatest Ping Apingtest checksfora linkbetween thenodes Itdoesnot generateenoughtraffictoaffectmeshoperation Theidealresultisa low consistent pingresponsetime Highlyinconsistentt...

Страница 20: ...s outdoors Thestaging antennasareratedforindooruseonly Damagecausedfrom outdooruseofindoorratedantennasisnot covered by product warranty Youarenowreadytopermanently installthenode Next youhaveto attac...

Страница 21: ...Beforeyoupermanentlyinstall 13...

Страница 22: ...Installthenodeandantennasassemblyandotherdevices suchascameras oraccesspointstoapermanentlocation Tools required ForHotPort5020edgenodes youneedtohave 2 Phillips screwdriver Small adjustable wrench Wi...

Страница 23: poleorantennatothenearestpowerline shouldbeatleasttwicethetotallengthofthepole antennacombination This distance ensures that the polewillnot contact a powerlineif it falls duringor after installati...

Страница 24: Make sure that all safety equipment is in good condition Do notusebrokenordamagedtoolsorequipment Alwaysusesafework practicesandobeyalllocalandnationalguidanceforearthground requirements and elect...

Страница 25: ...Antenna bracket Optional Otherdevices 4 Attach the antenna to the antenna bracket Refer to theinstallation proceduresfortheantenna 5 Attach thenode to thebracket so that whenit is inits permanent loca...

Страница 26: ...groundingequipmentiscorrectlyinstalled 3 Makeallconnectorsweatherproof See Weatherproofprocedures on page 35 Caution Donotuseport2orport3ofaHotPort7020meshnodeto poweraHotPort5020node AHotPort5020node...

Страница 27: ...eoneachsideofthedevice Captive screws Thenextpictureshowsthebracketpiecesandorientationtothenode The mountbrackethasmultipleholesandslots soyoucanusebolts straps orother materialstoattachthenode toasu...

Страница 28: ...unt bracket Fourscrews includedinthemountkit ormasonryanchors notincludedin the mount kit nodewithonebracketpiecewithhooks Toattach a node to a wall 1 Usefourscrewsor masonry anchors toattachthe mount...

Страница 29: ...ach thenodeto a verticalpole 1 Put the two U bolts through the holes in the gripper 2 On each U bolt put a washer alock washer and a nut Note A pole with a small diameter usually requires a second nut...

Страница 30: ...Outdoor node installation 22 6 UselockwashersandnutstosecurethebrackettotheU bolts Rails 7 Hangthenodewith thehooks overtherailofthebracket...

Страница 31: ...nttothepole Bestpractice Useaspraytopreventcorrosiononthebracketandmount hardware Attaching a node to a horizontal pole Recommendedtool hexwrench included orsmalladjustablewrench Toattachthenodetoahor...

Страница 32: ...ole Bestpractice Useaspraytopreventcorrosiononthebracketandmount hardware Attaching straps Youneedtousestrapswhenyouusepolesof5cm 2inches ormoreindiameter Youcanalsousestrapsforextrasupportanddurabili...

Страница 33: ...rease durability of the attachmenttothepole Bestpractice Useaspraytopreventcorrosiononthebracketandmount hardware Weatherizing the connectors TheHotPort5020 Mnodecomeswithafield installableweatherized...

Страница 34: ...ave internet access Thisproductalsorequiresamanagementlicensesothatyoucanmanagethe device from the HotView Pro network management software FormoreinformationaboutDFSmanagement refertotheHotViewProRefe...

Страница 35: ...rationchangesyoumaketothenewimageare notcopiedtothebackupimage Sometimes whenyoureverttothebackup image anodemightnotimmediatelyrecover Checkforself interference Radios1 and2inanodecannotconnecttoeach...

Страница 36: ...ed YoucanresetaHotPort5020edgenodewiththeresetbutton Theresetbutton isbehindthepressurereliefvalveonthebottompanelofthenode Forthisprocedureyouneed Paperclip stiff wire orthinpieceofplasticorwood such...

Страница 37: ...atesthefirmwareimmediately If you select the Activate Later check box the scheduler copies the firmware imagetothenodebutdoesnotactivatethefirmware Whenyouscheduleanupgradetime SchedulerOperation Late...

Страница 38: andthenselect themesh or devicebyID or name Note Thesystemselectsallnodeswithinameshforsimultaneousupgrade becauseallofthenodeshavetorunthesamefirmware Ifanodeshouldnot receivetheupgradeimage youca...

Страница 39: ...5020 E via the included PoE or a DC power source that you have designed per datasheet specifications 4 ThepowerLEDcomeson Thenodebootsandisreadytouseinoneminute 5 Attach the stagingantennas 6 Single...

Страница 40: ...thecountrycorrectly thedevicemightoperateina mannerthatisnotlegalorcreateproblemswithotherwirelessdevices a Selectthecountryofoperationfromthedrop downlist b ClickSetCountryCodeNow Whenyousetthecountr...

Страница 41: ...Troubleshooting 33...

Страница 42: ...tPort 7020 meshnodewithasunshield Antenna with weatherproof connector Weatherproof connectors Meshnodewithsunshield Best practice You can use colored tape for easy identification of the connectors fro...

Страница 43: ...astictapeputdirectlyonthecable Vinyl electricaltapeasacoveroverthemastictapepreventsthemasticfrommelting in hot weather Rubbersplicingormastictape alsoknownasself amalgamating self sealing self fusing...

Страница 44: ...rethattheFiretidedeviceworks 5 Wrapalayerofelectrical tape stickyside out overthe connector fromthe end to approximately2 5 cm 1inch of cable Overlap the tape by 40 with eachturn Note Wrap the electri...

Страница 45: ...verthefirst layerofelectrical tape Theantennaconnectorisreadyforinstallationinanoutdoorenvironment Makingaweatherproofcabletonodeconnection You need to make weatherproof two connections Fromtheantenna...

Страница 46: ...r 3 Ensurethatthecableandconnectors areclean Cleanoff oil water grease anddirtbeforeyoucontinue 4 Wrap a layer of electrical tape sticky side out over the arrestor to node connectorandwrapapproximatel...

Страница 47: ...f mastictapeovertheelectrical tape Makea 40 overlap on each turn Start from the base of the unit to at least 2 5 cm 1 inch of the cable 7 Wrap a layer of electrical tape smoothsideout sticky sidein ov...


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