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Outdoor node installation 





Installing a node and antenna assembly


The process to install a node to a mast or tower is the same as a roof installation. 


Collect and take all tools and materials with you to the installation site. 



Do not install this product on a windy or rainy day.  

To install a node and antenna assembly in a permanent outdoor location: 


Safely lift and carefully put the assembly on the roof. 



Attach the pole to which the node and antenna are attached to a mast, 
tower, or roof. 



Attach the cables that have integrated lightning arrestors, or attach 
the cables and install lightning arrestors. Cover all unused antenna 

connectors with 50 Ohm terminators. 



Make drip loops with cables. 



Make sure all grounding equipment is correctly installed. 



Make all connectors weatherproof. See “Weatherproof procedures” on 

page 35. 



Do not use port 2 or port 3 of a HotPort 7020 mesh node to 

power a HotPort 5020 node. A HotPort 5020 node needs PoE+ or 

802.3at, and the ports of a HotPort 7020 mesh node are PoE 802.3af 

compliant  only. 




(Optional) Attach the Power over Ethernet (PoE) assembly to power the 


Do not connect to more than one power source at one time. 




Attach an Ethernet cable from the Ethernet port of the node to the 
OUT port of the PoE+ injector. 


Attach the AC power cord to a power source. 



(Optional) Use plastic tie wraps to keep cables organized. 



Supply power to the node. 
If PoE is connected correctly, the LED becomes a steady green color. 
When you supply power to each node, they automatically make connections 

to each other. The nodes use the configuration that you created when you 
staged the nodes. 



Make the PoE connection weatherproof. 





Содержание HotPort 5020

Страница 1: ...HotPort FiretideInstallationGuide HotPort 5020 Edge Nodes Published March 2014 Revised 2016...

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Страница 5: ...information Youmustalsohaveadministratoraccesstothemeshtobeabletoreceive technical support Thenexttableliststhecontactinformationforcustomersupport Worldwide customer support Days Hours Contact Americ...

Страница 6: ...r 2 Product comparison 3 Beforeyoupermanentlyinstall 5 Preparing what you need to install 5 Box contents for a HotPort 5020 E node 5 Parts of an edge node 6 Ground screw 7 LEDs 7 Reset button 7 Antenn...

Страница 7: ...hing straps 24 Weatherizing the connectors 25 Troubleshooting 26 DFS 26 Cannot see a node in HotViewPro 26 After multiple reboots a node is missing 27 Static routes 27 Performance not as expected 28 R...

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Страница 21: ...Beforeyoupermanentlyinstall 13...

Страница 22: ...Installthenodeandantennasassemblyandotherdevices suchascameras oraccesspointstoapermanentlocation Tools required ForHotPort5020edgenodes youneedtohave 2 Phillips screwdriver Small adjustable wrench Wi...

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Страница 24: Make sure that all safety equipment is in good condition Do notusebrokenordamagedtoolsorequipment Alwaysusesafework practicesandobeyalllocalandnationalguidanceforearthground requirements and elect...

Страница 25: ...Antenna bracket Optional Otherdevices 4 Attach the antenna to the antenna bracket Refer to theinstallation proceduresfortheantenna 5 Attach thenode to thebracket so that whenit is inits permanent loca...

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Страница 28: ...unt bracket Fourscrews includedinthemountkit ormasonryanchors notincludedin the mount kit nodewithonebracketpiecewithhooks Toattach a node to a wall 1 Usefourscrewsor masonry anchors toattachthe mount...

Страница 29: ...ach thenodeto a verticalpole 1 Put the two U bolts through the holes in the gripper 2 On each U bolt put a washer alock washer and a nut Note A pole with a small diameter usually requires a second nut...

Страница 30: ...Outdoor node installation 22 6 UselockwashersandnutstosecurethebrackettotheU bolts Rails 7 Hangthenodewith thehooks overtherailofthebracket...

Страница 31: ...nttothepole Bestpractice Useaspraytopreventcorrosiononthebracketandmount hardware Attaching a node to a horizontal pole Recommendedtool hexwrench included orsmalladjustablewrench Toattachthenodetoahor...

Страница 32: ...ole Bestpractice Useaspraytopreventcorrosiononthebracketandmount hardware Attaching straps Youneedtousestrapswhenyouusepolesof5cm 2inches ormoreindiameter Youcanalsousestrapsforextrasupportanddurabili...

Страница 33: ...rease durability of the attachmenttothepole Bestpractice Useaspraytopreventcorrosiononthebracketandmount hardware Weatherizing the connectors TheHotPort5020 Mnodecomeswithafield installableweatherized...

Страница 34: ...ave internet access Thisproductalsorequiresamanagementlicensesothatyoucanmanagethe device from the HotView Pro network management software FormoreinformationaboutDFSmanagement refertotheHotViewProRefe...

Страница 35: ...rationchangesyoumaketothenewimageare notcopiedtothebackupimage Sometimes whenyoureverttothebackup image anodemightnotimmediatelyrecover Checkforself interference Radios1 and2inanodecannotconnecttoeach...

Страница 36: ...ed YoucanresetaHotPort5020edgenodewiththeresetbutton Theresetbutton isbehindthepressurereliefvalveonthebottompanelofthenode Forthisprocedureyouneed Paperclip stiff wire orthinpieceofplasticorwood such...

Страница 37: ...atesthefirmwareimmediately If you select the Activate Later check box the scheduler copies the firmware imagetothenodebutdoesnotactivatethefirmware Whenyouscheduleanupgradetime SchedulerOperation Late...

Страница 38: andthenselect themesh or devicebyID or name Note Thesystemselectsallnodeswithinameshforsimultaneousupgrade becauseallofthenodeshavetorunthesamefirmware Ifanodeshouldnot receivetheupgradeimage youca...

Страница 39: ...5020 E via the included PoE or a DC power source that you have designed per datasheet specifications 4 ThepowerLEDcomeson Thenodebootsandisreadytouseinoneminute 5 Attach the stagingantennas 6 Single...

Страница 40: ...thecountrycorrectly thedevicemightoperateina mannerthatisnotlegalorcreateproblemswithotherwirelessdevices a Selectthecountryofoperationfromthedrop downlist b ClickSetCountryCodeNow Whenyousetthecountr...

Страница 41: ...Troubleshooting 33...

Страница 42: ...tPort 7020 meshnodewithasunshield Antenna with weatherproof connector Weatherproof connectors Meshnodewithsunshield Best practice You can use colored tape for easy identification of the connectors fro...

Страница 43: ...astictapeputdirectlyonthecable Vinyl electricaltapeasacoveroverthemastictapepreventsthemasticfrommelting in hot weather Rubbersplicingormastictape alsoknownasself amalgamating self sealing self fusing...

Страница 44: ...rethattheFiretidedeviceworks 5 Wrapalayerofelectrical tape stickyside out overthe connector fromthe end to approximately2 5 cm 1inch of cable Overlap the tape by 40 with eachturn Note Wrap the electri...

Страница 45: ...verthefirst layerofelectrical tape Theantennaconnectorisreadyforinstallationinanoutdoorenvironment Makingaweatherproofcabletonodeconnection You need to make weatherproof two connections Fromtheantenna...

Страница 46: ...r 3 Ensurethatthecableandconnectors areclean Cleanoff oil water grease anddirtbeforeyoucontinue 4 Wrap a layer of electrical tape sticky side out over the arrestor to node connectorandwrapapproximatel...

Страница 47: ...f mastictapeovertheelectrical tape Makea 40 overlap on each turn Start from the base of the unit to at least 2 5 cm 1 inch of the cable 7 Wrap a layer of electrical tape smoothsideout sticky sidein ov...


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