FIRERAY 50/100
Switch 1 se lects latch ing or auto re set for the alarm re lay. Auto re set is the
fac tory de fault set ting. See Fig.12 for set ting op tions.
Us ing the mode switch at the back of the unit, (See fig.12 page 16) se lect
Prism Tar get ing Mode (Switch will be in its up per po si tion).
The De tec tor Head As sem bly is now ready for in stal la tion. If switches 1 to 4
re quire re set ting af ter in stal la tion, a power down re set is re quired (en ter ing
into Prism Tar get ing/Align ment Mode can also be used as a re set).
4.1. De tec tor Head As sem bly In stal la tion.
Re move the outer cover be fore in stal la tion; this is only to pre vent the cover
be com ing dis lodged dur ing han dling.
Do not mount on plas ter board, cladded walls, wood or sim i lar ma -
te ri als, as these sur faces do, and will move.
De ter mine the po si tion of the Head As sem bly, which must be mounted on a
solid struc ture.
En sure that there is a
clear line of sight
(0.5 metres ra dius
around the beam) to the pro posed po si tion of the prism(s), which is to be
mounted on a solid struc ture be tween 5 and 100 metres di rectly op po site the
De tec tor (range and num ber of prisms de pend ent on model).
Us ing the tem plate pro vided mark and in stall all 4 fix ing points to the struc -
ture. The rear mount ing plate of the De tec tor Head As sem bly is pro vided
with 4 key hole slot ted ap er tures to al low for easy in stal la tion onto the 4 fix ing
Re place the outer cover.
Ter mi nate the field wir ing. See sec tion 8.
4.2. Prism(s) In stal la tion.
Mount the Prism(s) on a
solid struc ture
, 90º to the beam path, be tween 5 to
50 metres (for the 50 metre De tec tor), and 50 to 100 metres (for the 100
metre De tec tor) di rectly op po site the De tec tor.
If the de tec tor is to be pla ced in an atrium, or near glass/po li shed sur fa -
ces, the prism(s) sho uld be of fset from the cen tral line of sight (Re fer to
Sec tion 3.2).
En sure that there is a clear line of sight to the De tec tor, tak ing care that no
mov ing ob jects i.e. doors, me chan i cal lift ing equip ment etc, will in ter fere
with the beam path be tween the De tec tor and Prism(s).
Note:On ranges of 5 metres and 50 metres use a 50 metre De tec tor.
On ranges of 50 metres and 100 metres use a 100 metre De tec tor.
5. Prism Tar get ing Mode.
Ap ply power to the De tec tor. There is a 5 sec onds pre-charge de lay af ter
power is ap plied to al low the in ter nal cir cuits to sta bi lise cor rectly. Af ter this
pe riod the RED in di ca tor will flash once to in di cate that the model is a 50
metre De tec tor or will flash twice to in di cate a 100 metre De tec tor.
Do not re move the de tec tor from the wall dur ing this ac tion.
Me chan i cal align ment is pro vided by two ad just ment thumb wheels on two
sides of the De tec tor, po si tioned just be hind the De tec tor Head cover. Ad -
just ment is achiev able in both ver ti cal and hor i zon tal axis.
Find the prism(s) by ad just ing the hor i zon tal and ver ti cal thumbwheels un til
the FAULT in di ca tor is con tin u ously to de ter mine the tar get po si tion.
The FAULT in di ca tor will be OFF when no sig nal is be ing re ceived. It will
then flash at an in cre ment ing rate to de ter mine the tar get po si tion. The
faster the flash rate (the stron ger the sig nal), the nearer you are to the tar get
(prism). As the beam is moved across the prism the flash rate will in crease,
go solid and then go back to a flash rate. A con tin u ous LED in di cates that the
prism has been de tected. Find the half way point for each axis, by count ing
the amount of turns of the thumbwheel it takes for the LED to go from just
flash ing to on, to on to just flash ing. At this point re verse the di rec tion of ro ta -
tion, and turn the thumbwheel half the amount of turns counted.
It is es sen tial to test that the prism(s), and not an other sur face, is
re flect ing the sig nal back to the de tec tor.
This can eas ily be con firmed by cov er ing the prism(s) with a non-re flect ing
sur face, and con firm that the FAULT in di ca tor changes state, ei ther the
FAULT in di ca tor is OFF or flash ing very slowly.
If an area has a large amount of re flec tive sur face along the beam path, do
not at first fit the re flec tor. When in tar get ing mode en sure that the AMBER
LED does not flash. Then fit the re flec tor in a po si tion that turns the AMBER
LED con stantly on.
6. Align ment Mode.
6.1. En abling Align ment Mode.
Do not re move the de tec tor from the wall dur ing this ac tion.
Us ing the mode switch (See fig. 12, page 16) se lect Align ment Mode (Move
switch to the mid dle po si tion).
6.2. Ad just ment in Align ment Mode.
The De tec tor will au to mat i cally ad just its in fra red beam power and re ceiver
sen si tiv ity to give an op ti mum re ceiver sig nal strength (100%).
The align ment prog ress is in di cated by the col our and state of the in di ca tor
lamp on the front of the De tec tor.
The De tec tor is re ceiv ing a high sig nal (>100%) and is at tempt ing to re -
duce the in fra red power out put to com pen sate.
1 Reflective Prism for
the 50 metre Detector
4 Reflective Prisms for
the 100 metre Detector
FIG. 7
Re flec ti ve Prism(s)
Offset Prism position and beam path
Normal Prism position and
central line of sight
Plan View
FIG. 6