Weak Signal Noise
In suburban areas, broadcast signals
become weak due to the distance from
the transmitter. This reception is
characterized by sound breakup.
Strong Signal Noise
This occurs very close to a transmitter
tower. The broadcast signals are
extremely strong, so the result is noise
and sound breakup at the radio
Station Drift Noise
When a vehicle reaches the area of two
strong stations broadcasting at similar
frequencies, the original station may
be temporarily lost, and the second
station picked up. At this time, there will
be some noise from this disturbance.
MP3 stands for MPEG Audio Layer 3,
which is standardized voice
compression established by the ISO (*)
working group (MPEG).
Use of MP3 allows for audio data to be
compressed to approximately a tenth
of the source data size.
This unit plays files with the extension
(.mp3) as MP3 files.
(*) International Organization for
Do not use an audio file extension
on files other than audio files. In
addition, do not change the audio file
extension. Otherwise, the unit will
not recognize the file correctly,
resulting in noise or a malfunction.
Supply of this product only conveys a
license for private, non-commercial
use and does not convey a license nor
imply any right to use this product in any
commercial (i.e. revenue-generating)
real time broadcasting (terrestrial,
satellite, lead and/or any other media),
broadcasting/streaming via the Internet,
intranets and/or other networks or in
other electronic content distribution
systems, such as pay-audio or
audio-on-demand applications. An
independent license for such use is
required. For details, please visit
http://www. mp3licensing.com.
When naming an MP3 file, be sure to
add an MP3 file extension (.mp3) after
the file name.
The number of characters which can
be displayed is restricted.