14 / 18
Set minimum ringing duration to 15 sec, for example, to define how
long IntellyCom should wait for the line dialed to the private branch
exchange before it considers the connection failed and shuts off. Set
the minimum ringing duration to “unending” by entering *2000*, if you
want to determine yourself when the connection has failed by shutting
it off manually.
Defining Call Acceptance Procedures
To Define Automatic, Mute Call Acceptance with the First Ring/Signal
You can define this call acceptance scenario by setting the programmed ring/signal
counter *11xx* (3) at the value “00”. Incoming calls to the station will then be signaled
optically and accepted automatically with the first signal. In contrast to the other call
acceptance scenarios, the speaker and the microphone are muted.
Receive programming authorization.
Set ring/signal counter to the value “00”, to define automatic call
acceptance after the first signal.
To Define Automatic Call Acceptance after “n” Rings
You can define this call acceptance scenario by setting the programmed ring/signal
counter *11xx* (3) to the desired value within a range of 1 - 98. Incoming calls will
then be acoustically
and optically signaled by the station and automatically accepted,
when the set number of rings/signals has been reached.
Receive programming authorization.
Set ring/signal counter to the value “3”, to set the automatic call
acceptance at 3 rings.
With a programmed ring volume of *1600*, the speaker is muted when the call is
being signaled.