Check on receiving
As soon as the unit is received verify accurately the correspon-
dance of the load to what was ordered to make sure that all
the material has been delivered. Check carefully that the load
has not been damaged. In case of goods with visible damages
inform promptly the haulage contractor reporting on the delivery
note the phrase
“Collected with reserves owing to evident
. Delivery ex works implies reimbursement of any da-
mage on charge of the insurance company as established by
Safety instructions
Observe the safety regulations in force concerning the equip-
ment to use for unit handling or the operating formalities to fol-
Before handling the unit, check the weight of the unit, reported
both on the dataplate and on the technical documentation. Make
sure the unit to be handled with care avoiding any kind of colli-
sion that could damage the operating parts of the unit.
On the packaging of the unit are reported all the instructions
necessary for a corect handling during storing and installation.
The unit is supplied on a pallet suitable for the transport. It is
advisable to place protective material between the truck and the
unit to avoid damages to the unit. Prevent the unit or parts of it
from falling down.
The units must be stored in a dry place, repaired from sun, rain,
sand or wind.
Do not stack the units.
Maximum temperature
60 °C
Minimum temperature
-10 °C
= 90
Packaging removal
Remove the packaging taking care not to damage the unit.
Check for any visible damage.
Get rid of the packaging material sending them to specialized
recycling centres (observe the regulations in force).
The units are suitable for outdoor installation.
Verify that the support surface can bear the weight of the selec-
ted unit and is perfectly horizontal. In order to limit the vibrations
transmitted by the unit it is possible to place, between the unit
base and the support surface, a strip of hard rubber or, if a hi-
gher level of insulation is required, vibration dampers.
In any case it is not advisable to place the unit near private offi-
ces, bedrooms or zones where very low noise levels are requi-
Protect the finned coil against direct sunlight and prevailing win-
ds and do not place the unit on dark ground (for example tarred
surfaces) to avoid the risk of overheating during operation.
Do not place the unit under roofs or near plants (even if the unit
is only partly covered) in order not to reduce the possibility of air
Respect the minimum operating area and verify that the installa-
tion place is not subject to flooding.