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MVA 02 rev 5 - December 2017
Index of Charts
Chart 3-1 Installation types supplied and mesh guards used
Chart 3-2 Fasteners fixing mesh guards
Chart 3-3 Acoustic power emitted Lw(A) (dBA)
Chart 3-4 Acoustic power emitted Lw(A) (dBA)
Chart 3-5 Acoustic pressure emitted Lp(A) (dBA)
Chart 3-6 Acoustic pressure emitted Lp(A) (dBA)
Chart 5-1 Sequence of operations for assembly of version 4 fans
Chart 5-2 Sequence of operations for assembly of version 1 fans
Chart 5-3 Sequence of operations for assembly of version 9-12 fans
Chart 5-4 Sequence of operations for assembly of version 8 fans
Chart 8-1 Quantity of grease for first filling of supports and bearings on fans with transmission
Chart 8-2 Relubrication intervals and quantity of grease according to fan rotation speed
Chart 8-3 Checking radial clearance on bearings
Chart 8-4 Tightening angle, axial movement and minimum residual clearance on ball bearings
Chart 8-5 Setting drive belt tension: test load and deflection
Chart 8-6 Technical characteristics of flexible couplings
Chart 9-1 ST supports versions A
Chart 9-2 Standard supports and bearings installed on belt-driven fans
Chart 11-1 Component materials of axial impellers
Chart 12-1 Tightening torques M for bolts with ISO metric threads
Chart 12-2 Tightening torques for blade fixing bolts on fans with steel hub