Reparationer må udelukkende udføres af en autoriseret installatør eller et
autoriseret serviceværksted.
Rengør regelmæssigt maskinkappen med en blød klud, helst efter hvert brug. Sørg for at
ventilationshullerne er fri for støv og snavs. Brug en blød klud, der er vædet i sæbevand til
at fjerne hårdnakket snavs. Brug ingen opløsningsmidler, så som benzin, alkohol,
ammoniak, osv. Den slags stoffer beskadiger kunststofdelene.
Maskinen behøver ingen ekstra smøring.
Skulle en fejl opstå, f.eks. pga. slidtage af en enhed, kontakt venligst serviceadressen på
garantibeviset. På bagsiden af denne manual finder du en tegning med alle dele, der kan
For at undgå transportbeskadigelse leveres maskinen i en solid emballage. Emballagen er
så vidt muligt lavet af genbrugsmateriale. Genbrug derfor emballagen.
Defekte og/eller kasserede elektriske eller elektroniske maskiner skal afleveres
på en genbrugsplads.
Læs det separat vedlagte garantikort for garantibetingelserne.
Usædvanlig mange gnister, eller den
elektroniske motor køre uregelmæssigt
Der er snavs inde i motoren, eller
kulbørsterne er nedslidte. Udskift
kulbørsterne eller aflevér maskinen til
et særligt reparationscenter .
Special safety instructions
Check that the maximum speed indicated on the grinding disc corresponds to the
maximum speed of the machine. The speed of the machine must not exceed the
value on the grinding disc.
Make sure that the dimensions of the grinding disc correspond to the specifications of
the machine.
Make sure that the grinding disc has been mounted and fastened properly. Do not
use reducing rings or adapters to make the grinding disc fit properly.
Treat and store grinding discs in conformance with the supplier’s instructions.
Do not use the machine for grinding workpieces with a maximum thickness exceeding
the maximum grinding depth of the grinding disc.
Do not use grinding discs for deburring.
When grinding discs have to be mounted on the thread of the spindle, make sure that
the spindle has sufficient thread. Make sure that the spindle is sufficiently protected
and does not touch the grinding surface.
Before use, inspect the grinding disc for any damage. Do not use grinding discs which
are crack-ed, ripped or otherwise damaged.
Before use, let the machine run idle for 30 seconds. Immediately switch off the
machine in case of abnormal vibrations or occurrence of another defect. Carefully
inspect the machine and grinding disc before switching the machine on again.
Make sure that sparks do not put people into danger or that they contact highly
flammable substances.
Make sure that the workpiece is sufficiently supported or clamped. Keep your hands
away from the surface to be cut.
Always wear safety goggles and hearing protection. If desired or required also use
another kind of protection like for example an apron or helmet.
Ensure that mounted wheels and points are fitted in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
Ensure that blotters are used when they are provided with the bonded abrasive
product and when they are required.
If a guard is supplied with the tool never use the tool without such a guard.
For tools intended to be fitted with threaded hole wheel, ensure that the thread in the
wheel is long enough to accept the spindle length.
Ensure that ventilation openings are kept clear when working in dusty conditions. If it
should become nessesary to clear dust, first disconnect the tool from the mains
supply (use non metallic objects) and avoid damaging internal parts.
Though poor conditions of the electrical mains, shortly voltage drops can appear
when starting the equipment. This can influence other equipment (eq. blinking of a
lamp). If the mains-impedance Zmax <0.348 Ohm, such disturbances are not
expected. (In case of need, you may contact your local supply authority for further
Electrical safety
When using electric machines always observe the safety regulations applicable in your
country to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and personal injury. Read the following
safety instructions and also the enclosed safety instructions.