ID ISC.ANT.U500/270 - DM
Page 105 of 117
12.2. The Notification Mode Procedure
By using Notification Mode together with the Buffered Read Mode the Reader itself reads data
from every Transponder which is inside the antenna field
enables a connection to a host to
send the queued data asynchronously. This mode must be enabled in the
configuration block and configured in
7.21. CFG49: Notification Channel
configuration block.
The settings for the Read Mode define the notification information sent to the host.
Only one command is necessary to send sampled Transponder data sets. The figure below illus-
trates the Notification Mode procedure:
Read Buffer Response
Notification data from the Reader to the Host
After successful send process, the Reader deletes
transferred data sets from the internal table
The reader sends notifications as fast as possible, if the notification trigger is set to continuously or
a very short cycle time in time-triggered mode is defined. To prevent a notification overflow in a
host application the acknowledgement option can be set. In this case the notification must be
acknowledged by the host with an response protocol to synchronize the notification process with
the host application. The figure below illustrates this procedure:
Read Buffer Response
Notification data from the Reader to the Host
max. 5000ms
Clear Data Buffer
Command to the Reader
to delete the notified data sets from the internal table
The acknowledge
12.6. [0x32] Clear Data Buffer
must be in the space of 5 seconds. If no
acknowledge is received the Reader repeats the notification as it is configured.
Additional information about the capacity of the data buffer can be determined with the
As an additional option Keepalive messages can be sent periodically to a host. Keepalive notifica-
tions are always never acknowledged. The information sent by a Keepalive notification is identical
with the command