Connect the clevises to the servo arms. Don’t forget the locking clips.
Screw the rod end bolts into the bearing plate arms, from the outside in. Slip the clevises in
place and position the servos on the servo mounting plate.
Photo 10
With the servo arms in a vertical position, and the stab set for a slight bit of up elevator,
mark the position of the mounting brackets.
Remove the servos and linkages. Unbolt the servo mounting plate and remove it.
Align the bottom of one servo to the exact edge of the ply plate, with the bracket on the
alignment mark you made in the previous step. Using 12 mm wood screws, bolt the
aluminum brackets to the ply plate.
Working carefully, position the other servo with the output spindle exactly opposite the first,
and the bottom of the servo aligned with the edge of the ply plate. Drill and screw this servo
to the ply board.
Now would be a good time to attach your servo extensions, using tape or heat shrink to
secure. Do not “Y” the servos, as they will be adjusted in a later step. If you are using a JR
Matchbox, it must be within 6 inches of the receiver, so two long extensions from the
elevator servos are a requirement.
Remove the stab from the fuselage. Insert the servo plate back into position and bolt it into
place with 20 mm bolts and 12 mm washers. Loctite.
Replace the stab into the fuselage and permanently bolt into place using 20 mm bolts and 12
mm washers. Loctite.
Temporarily connect the linkages to the metal arms, but do not tighten them, as final servo
adjustment will be required after installation of the receiver.
Using wire ties or wire loom, secure the rudder and elevator extension wires together.
Notch several small blocks of wood for plastic wire ties, and glue these along the top of the
fuselage well away from the pipe with 5 minute epoxy. Roughen the surface of the fuse
before gluing.
When dry, secure the cables to the blocks with wire ties.
Photo 11