Step 3: Horizontal Stabilizers
Check the nuts that bolt the stab bearings to the stab plate for tightness. Also make sure the
stab bearing covers are glued securely to the stabs. Reinforce if necessary.
File the slots in the fuse side to give the stab as much throw as possible.
Photo 8
Temporarily place the stab plate back into position in the fuselage.
Find the 115 mm linkage rods for the stabs. Make sure the rod end (with the bolt) is
completely screwed on to the linkage. Tighten the locknut.
Optionally, you may choose to stiffen the linkage by slipping an appropriately sized brass
sleeve over the linkage, between the locknuts.
Screw the clevis on the other end of the linkage rods. Make sure the two linkages are of
exactly equal length, and then tighten the clevis locknut.
Mount the aluminum L brackets to the elevator servos. Do not use the rubber damping
pieces that come with the servo. Use washers and red Loctite on the screws. Also check to
make sure the brackets are positioned so that the servo will sit flat on the mounting plate.
Make sure the servos mirror each other in a left and right set.
Using a JR Matchmaker or your receiver, find neutral for the servos and experiment with
servo arm orientation that results in matching positions. Cut off the opposing arm and then
mount the arm to the servo.
Photo 9