Step 10: Wing Servos
Remove the servo cover. Mark the inside front of the door so you will know how to orient it
for reassembly.
Attach the aluminum L brackets to the servos as you did for the elevators. The servos will
face in opposite directions and the servo spindle is positioned toward the rear of the wing.
Using your receiver or JR Matchmaker, find servo neutral and attach the heavy-duty servo
Enlarge the servo wire hole in the wing root to accommodate the two servo wire connections
and four air quick disconnects.
Label the servo wires for aileron or flaps.
Position the servos onto the mounting tabs. If you are using 8611a servos, you will need to
make a shim plate for the rear tabs to hold the servo just slightly off the top of the wing. If
you omit this shim, you will deform the top of the wing as you tighten the bolts.
You may also need to trim the lip of the servo well slightly to provide clearance for the
aileron servo arm.
Using great care not to pierce through the top of the wing, drill and bolt the servos in place.
Photo 21
Trim the servo cover for the servo arms and reinstall.
Connect the 70 mm linkage arms, following the same procedure used for the elevators.
Photo 22
Repeat for the other wing. Be sure to keep the linkage lengths equal.