Pre-operational System Configuration and Testing
UltraVoice Remote Interface (UVRI-B)
Equipment Required
1. Service Monitor
2. Oscilloscope
Connect the radio to the service monitor.
Receive Audio Adjustment
To receive audio adjustment:
1. Using service monitor, modulate the correct RF signal into the receiver with a 1 kHz
tone at 3 kHz deviation. If bandwidth is 12.5, then modulate at 1.5 kHz deviation.
(If using private line, add 750 Hz private line deviation to the signal. If bandwidth is
12.5, then modulate at 350 Hz deviation.)
2. For JP5, the Primary Transceiver Port, using R59, the RX1 Level pot, adjust the level
for 1 Vpp at TP2 or until the two green LEDs of the RX Level meter are on.
3. For JP4, the Secondary Transceiver Port, using 18, the RX2 Level pot, adjust the
level for 1 Vpp at TP2 or until the two green LEDs of the RX Level meter are on.
Transmit Deviation Adjustment
To transmit deviation adjustment:
1. Simultaneously press buttons 5 and 7. This causes the controller to transmit for
approximately 8 seconds.
2. Measure the deviation level using service monitor.
3. For JP5, the Primary Transceiver Port, using R21, the TX1 Level pot;
For JP4, the Secondary Transceiver Port, using R19, the TX2 Level pot;
Adjust the deviation for 3 kHz deviation. If the bandwidth is 12.5 kHz, then adjust
for 1.5 kHz deviation. (If using private line, add 750 Hz private line deviation to the
signal.) If bandwidth is 12.5, add 350 Hz private line deviation to the signal).
: Obtain slightly higher S/N levels by increasing the RF modulation levels to
4 and 2 kHz depending on the channel spacing. Do not exceed these deviation levels.
All sites in the system should be set to the same modulation level.
Control and Status Monitoring
To test the control and status monitoring:
1. Use the Federal Signal Commander Software to verify the UVRI-B has been
properly configured for the application. Make any required changes.
2. Test the control and status monitoring features from each control point. Test each
control function and all status indications using Commander. Verify each status point
provides the proper indication of both pass and fail conditions.