User manual
August 2020 - Version EN 1.1
J) 2 Lines Text Cnt
During countdown, the value is displayed on the bottom line with traffic lights on each side. The
upper line is filled out with a user defined text.
When the countdown reach zero, the upper line changed to a second user defined text, and the
countdown value on the bottom line is replaced by a third text.
K) Bib TOD Cnt
Time of day is displayed on upper left side.
A full size Countdown value is displayed (max 3 digits) or the right.
The bib number is displayed on the bottom left side under the TOD.
At the end of each cycle, the next Bib value is selected. The Bib list can be downloaded into the
display via the IOS app. It is also possible to enter manually on the fly each Bib with the app.
Start CntDown mode:
Manual start or start at defined TOD
Manual start sync:
Manual start can be defined to start at the next 15s, 30s or 60s. If 0 is set
the countdown start immediately
Cycles number:
Number of countdown cycles performed automatically once the first is
started (0 = non stop)
Cycles time interval:
Time between each countdown cycle
This value must be equal or greater than the “countdown value” plus the
“end of countdown time”
Countdown value:
Countdown time in seconds
Countdown color:
Initial color for countdown
Sector 1 time:
Start of sector 1 (compared to countdown value)
Sector 1 color:
Color of sector 1
Sector 2 time:
Start of sector 2 (compared to countdown value)
Sector 2 color:
Color of sector 2
Sector 3 time:
Start of sector 3 (compared to countdown value)
Sector 3 color:
Color of sector 3
End of Countdown:
Time at which a countdown cycle is completed. Value goes from 0 to -
30sec. Sector 3 color is used
Beep 1 time:
Countdown time of the first beep (0 if not used)
Beep 2 time:
Countdown time of the second beep (0 if not used)
Beep 3 time:
Countdown time of the third beep (0 if not used)
Continuous Beep:
Countdown time at which a beep is generated every second until zero is
For Layouts (B, F, J)
Final Text down:
Text displayed in the center when countdown reaches zero
For Layout (J)
Up text CntDwn:
Text displayed on upper line during countdown
Up text at 0:
Text displayed on upper line when countdown reaches zero
Up text CntDwn color:
Upper line text color during countdown
Up text at 0 color:
Upper line text color when countdown reaches zero