The 3564 Starter-Kit:
The following components
make up the Starter-Kit:
3564K024B C
Starter-Kit board
A zero-modem cable
Diagram 15: Starter Kit board
After connecting the supply voltage the motor is ready for
experimentation. The speed can be regulated with the potentio-
meter included on the board.
The jumpers located on the board have the following functions:
Analog Poti
The analog input is controlled with the on
board potentiometer.
Analog Extern
The analog input is controlled with a voltage
at the “Analog In” screw clips.
RS232 Mode
The RS-232 Port is active. Voltage range over
the potentiometer is 0 to 9 V (direction of
rotation is limited to right rotation).
Poti Mode
RS-232 is inactive. Voltage range over the
potentiometer is –6.8 to 9.1 V (Left and right
directions of rotation available).