8.7. Viewing/playing photos (Android only)
Tip: It is highly recommended to create a folder or folders where to copy all your
pictures into the WiFi HDD for ease of use and file organization.
Note: The WiFi HDD currently supports .jpg, .png, .tif, .gif and .bmp image files.
The supported image files can be viewed as thumbnails or as a list as seen on the
screenshot below. All images that are not supported will have generic thumbnail or icon.
Click on any pictures or images and it will automatically play as a slideshow as seen on
the screen shot below.
There are a few functions are available to control the slideshow. You can swipe your
finger across the screen to manually view the pictures or images or click the
to automatically play the slideshow.
Click the
button to pause the slideshow and press again to continue playing
Click the
button to restart or to replay the slideshow.
Thumbnail view
List view