Multiwire Program
© 2020 F&S BONDTEC Semiconductor GmbH. All rights reserved.
chip are also selected.
Ctrl + mouse click: add/exclude
Ctrl + mouse drag: Invert selection in rectangle
Ctrl + Shift+ mouse drag: Select (whether it is already selected or not)
9.7.1 Change Wire Group
This function is useful if you want to change a parameter on several wires.
For this purpose activate the mode <Select Wires> in the plot program.
Then select the wire segments to be changed, right mouse button, under <Edit Wires> open the respective parame-
ter dialogs.
Figure 9.7. - 1
Dialog Edit Wire
The selected wire segments are displayed in blue. The reference segment is displayed in red. If a parameter is not the
same for all wire segments, it is highlighted in yellow. Click on a wire segment to change the reference object.
If you select Isolate blue Operations
while the cursor is on one of the yellow fields, all yellow wires are removed from the selection.
If you change a parameter, it will be applied to all selected wire segments after confirming with OK.