Basic Functions
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Figure 6.3. - 1
Position specification
The joystick is active in the Positions input window and can therefore be used to move to the desired position. With
<Store Trace> (keypad) the current position is permanently taught in.
By simultaneously pressing the Ctrl+Shift and cursor keys on the PC keyboard, the XY axes can be moved
at fine pitch intervals in <micron steps>.
With the arrow keys <UP> and <DOWN> the cursor can be moved, with <LEFT> and <RIGHT> you can jump between
Dialogs used to create repetitions may contain the tabs <Abs> and <Rel>. Here <Abs> stands for absolute positions.
This allows two values (e.g. first and last repetition point) to be taught in. <Rel> stands for relative distance. If known,
the distance to the next repetition in XY directions can be entered.
Create a Bond Program
With <File> <New> or
the <Create Progam> dialog is started. This dialog guides the user through the necessary basic settings in three pa-
ges before the actual creation of a bond program. Any previously loaded bonding programs are deleted from the wor-
king memory when a new bonding program is created.
Parameters for bonding are usually taken from the Single Wire dialog of the last loaded bonding program. By selec-
ting "Create from Default Value", guide values for different wire thicknesses can optionally be loaded from the data-
The global light and camera parameters set here are used by the operator to orientate himself on the part using the
image captured by the camera and displayed on the monitor.
Workheight is the height at which the XY table can be moved without collision.
for Workheight 1 over the entire component holder,
for Workheight 2 within a single component
Joystick Limit.
Lowest Z-position which can be moved manually with the joystick. This limit is used for example when focusing the
camera, but can usually be left at the same height as Workheight 2.
Max Z Position.
Defines the lowest position that can be approached automatically with the Z axis.
Further Process Parameters
In addition to the parameters set in the Single Wire dialog, further influencing bond process parameters can be defi-
ned under <Page><GlobalSettings><Process>.