Model 56XXi
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4.4.2 5630i Thin-Wire Head
The bonding head 5630i is designed for the ultrasonic wedge-wedge welding process.
Bond wires with a diameter of 17µm to 75µm (0.7mil to 3mil) can be welded on suitable surfaces.
Figure 4.4. - 1
Thin-Wire Head 5630i
4.4.3 5632i Thin-Wire Head
The 5632i Deep Access Bond Head features a special design of the bond head. This gives the bonder a high flexibility.
In contrast to the 5630i, this head is especially suited for bonding into deeper packages. Ribbon Wire from 30 µm -
250 µm (1.2 mil - 10 mil) can also be processed.
Figure 4.4. - 1
Thin-Wire Head 5632i