6.3.4 SHO (Shock)
SHO range: OFF 010 ... 100
SHO default: 100
The strength of the shock / vibration motors inside the FANATEC Steering
Wheel can be adjusted from 100% to 0%. These vibration motors can be used
by a game directly (Fanatec SDK) or by the ABS function.
6.3.5 ABS
ABS range: 000 … 100 OFF
ABS default: OFF
This feature can give you a direct and feel-able feedback about your brake
inputs. If you set the value to 100 the vibration will start as soon as you give
100% brake input to the game. If you set it to 95% the vibration will start if you
push the brake to 95% or more. The ABS feature uses the vibration within your
wheel rim (can be turned off by settin SHO to “0”) AND the vibration motor on
a CSP (V2) pedal set if it is connected directly to the wheel - not individually
by USB. ABS can also be simulated dynamically by the game if the developer
makes use of the Fanatec SDK. To change the used and active value press up
or down direction at the FunkySwitch
of the Fanatec Steering Wheel or turn
the FunkySwitch
clockwise / counter clockwise.
6.3.6 LIN (Linearity)
LIN range: OFF 010 … 100
LIN default: OFF
The linearity value can modify the steering input of your wheel. Set to “OFF”
transfers the steering signals 100% linear to the game. If you raise the value
the ClubSport Wheel Base V2 will have reduced sensitivity in the wheel center.
Using this feature you could control the wheel extremely precise while driving
on straights (like in SEN 900° mode) even if you want to reach the maximum
steering already at 180° (SEN 360°). To change the used and active value
press up or down direction at the FunkySwitch
of the Fanatec Steering Wheel
or turn the FunkySwitch
clockwise / counter clockwise.
6.3.7 DEA (Deadzone)
DEA range: OFF 010 … 100
DEA default: OFF
Some games do expect a racing wheel to have some deadzone in the middle
which is not present at ClubSport Wheel Base V2. But using this feature you
could manually add a deadzone of your preferred size. To change the used and
active value press up or down di- rection at the FunkySwitch
of the Fanatec
Steering Wheel or turn the Funky- Switch
clockwise / counter clockwise.