Figure 11: Strap Adjuster
Side Proper Adjustment
Figure 15: Rope Adjuster Release
Figure 12: Fixed Web Strap
Side Proper Adjustment
Figure 16: Rope Adjuster Release
Figure 13: Acceptable
Inner Rope Orientation
Figure 14: Moving Rope
Adjuster Towards Pole
5.3.8 Moving the Rope Adjuster
Towards the Pole:
Pull your body into the pole to release tension
on the rope and pull the tail end of the rope
straight towards the pole. Alternately, grab
the rope near the pole with one hand and pull
the tail of the rope towards the pole with the
opposite hand as shown in Figure 14 below.
5.3.9 Moving the Rope
Adjuster Away from the Pole:
Press the Rope Adjuster release lever with your
thumb while sliding the Rope Adjuster down
along the rope. Alternately, grab the rope with
one hand to support your body weight while
releasing the Rope Adjuster with the
opposite hand. Fully depressing the release lever
allows for a more controlled descent into proper
position. See Figures 15 and 16 below.