»Car System 2« software
Time limit
To prevent a permanent load from damaging the functional elements that are
connected, you can here preselect a short period of time (maximum 12.75
sec). If that field is not filled in, the connection will remain switched on until
a change occurs in the condition of the digital address.
Traffic light operation
The modules feature a specific logical circuit allowing them to reproduce pro-
perly intersections and pedestrian stop-go lights. Such procedure requires
only one digital address that will control up to four outputs. The first three
outputs will form the light signal for the traffic light, whereas the fourth out-
put is required for the corresponding stop point.
First, select whether you want to connect a traffic light with or wit-
hout stop point.
Switching address
The switching address is the address in your digital system with which a
function has to be triggered. Here you may enter both coil item addresses
and checkback addresses.
That list displays the connection numbers present on your module (A1 to