»Car System 2« software
The application window
Fig. 12: The application window
At the top of the application window you will find the menu bar fea-
turing the menus File, General, View and Monitor.
Below you will find the buttons »Programmierung ein«, »Program-
mierung aus«, »Modul auslesen« und »Modul speichern«. [»Program-
ming on«, »Programming off«, »Select module« and »Save module«].
On the left-hand side of the application window you can see the modu-
les already detected along with the corresponding numbers.
On the right-hand side there is an help window in which important
information on each procedure is displayed.
Adding modules
If the software has been properly installed and the basic module is pro-
perly connected to the computer, that basic module will be displayed in
the first place at the top of the list of modules. All other new modules
will automatically be detected.
With the software in operation, connect an additional module.
Acknowledge the enquiry with OK.