»Car System 2« software
Fig. 16: Settings of the switching output
That form will allow you to change the settings of the selected switching
To this end, first select the basic function (stop point, parking space,
branch-off junction, switching output or traffic light operation).
Next, make the relevant settings in the window you find below.
Normally most functions appear in grey and are assigned standard values.
If you want to change those settings, you have to activate the »Exper-
tenmodus« [»Expert mode«].
Stop point, parking space, branch-off junction, switching output
Switching address
The switching address is the address in your digital system with which a
function has to be triggered. Here you may enter both coil item addresses
and checkback addresses.
The option buttons that follow allow you to specify in which condition (coil
item: red or green, checkback contact: occupied or unoccupied) the action
has to be performed.
Flashing generator
Outputs are also able to generate a flashing. To this end, simply indicate
which outputs should flash and at which frequency this will have to occur.