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Full light level and light off can be tested with IRT 9090.
1. Press the ON or OFF button for full light and light off respectively.
Function test of the proximity sensor’s detection range
It is important that e-Sense Actilume detects proximity in the
correct way. Check the function with the test button. The light
will flash once for each movement that is detected. This fun-
ction can be used to determine how large an area the sensor
can sense. Try walking towards the sensor until the first indica-
tion. If the installation is a workspace, you can test its sensiti-
vity by sitting and making small movements.
1. Press the TEST button once. The light will adjust downwards.
First check that there are no people under the sensor. Walk
slowly towards the zone until the light flashes. Reset the fun-
ction by pressing the TEST button again.
To check the mode that has been programmed, e-Sense Acti-
lume can indicate the mode that is selected.
1. Press the MODE button once.
The light is first adjusted downwards. Be ready to count the
number of times the light flashes. The function may need to be
repeated in order to count correctly.
Checking the selected mode – MODE
Resetting the programming
e-Sense Actilume is easy to reset if you are unsure of certain se-
lected functions. The system will return to factory settings: Mode
1 (office room) and daylight adjustment approximately 600 lux.
1. Press the BASICS button once.
The light will flash to indicate the function.
Switch light on/off