Taiwan Falcon Aerospace Corporation 2003.
All rights reserved. 20
All routes will be listed when Command Menu executes
Goto RTE
. The UP/DOWN key is used to select a
route, which navigation of the route can be executed
after the ENTER key is entered.
Taking left figure as an example, the current direction is
3 degree, speed is 1 KMH, the target direction is 90
degree, and the direction of navigation shall be
modified to the right of 87 degree. When the green line
overlaps with the green arrow, it means the target
waypoint is right ahead of you.
There are 3 waypoints in the route. W0052105 will be
the next target waypoint with a distance of 0.596
kilometer and predicted to be arrived in 35 minutes.
W0031342 will be the last waypoint with a distance of
1.736 kilometer and predicted to be arrived in 1 hour
and 43 minutes.
Before arriving the next waypoint in 10 meters or 10
seconds, system will display the message to arrive. If
the arrival is confirmed, system will automatically treat
the next waypoint in the path as a target waypoint.