disqualified. If the player misses with one dart, he receives no points; if the misses with all
three points in one round, he is out of the game, and his remaining points are lit up until
the end of the game. When a player loses all his points, he is also out of the game. At the
end of the game, all the points lit up are given to the winner. When all players except one
are disqualified, the remaining player is the winner. Standard value of round is 7, three
darts per round.
Same as high score only what the game is just for one player. At the end on display
players 8 will be handicap number that determines the level of players from 00 to 99.
Standard value of round is 10, three darts per round.
SOLO 301
Same as 301 only what the game is just for one player. At the end on display players 8
will be handicap number that determines the level of players from 00 to 99. Standard
value of round is 10, three darts per round.
This is game in the pair for 2, 4, 6 or 8 players. The "stopper" always goes first. The
"stopper" throws three darts into different numbers. Each number that is hit is "stopped".
After the stopper throws, the scorer now tries to score as high a score has possible with
three darts. Any numbers that have been stopped, do not count towards a score. Any
other numbers that have not been stopped count in the usual way. Winner is the player
with the highest score. Standard value of round is 7, six darts per round.
Players begin the game from zero. They hit the numbers from 1 to 20 and at the end
center, in order. Player can not shoot the next number until he did not hit given number.
SHANGAI is the momentary victory and you must hit one dart in the single, one in the
triple and one in the double of the target number in any order. Winner is the player with
the highest score. Standard value of round is 7, three darts per round.
Players begin the game from zero. They shoot numbers from 15 to 20 and Bull Eye in any
order. Number is closed when player hit that number 3 times in total, it means that player
could hit three time in single or one time in triple or combination with one double and one
single. When number is closed player can score as long as his opponents does not have
closed that number. Winner is player who has closed all numbers and has highest score.
At the end of game machine sum all hit numbers from cricket diode (eg 2 closed diode of
number 17 worth 34 point) with score and than make a ranking list. Standard value of
round is 20, three darts per round.
Rules are the same as Cricket except that the machine determines the shooting numbers
Rules are the same as Cricket except that players choose shooting numbers before the
game start pressing the numbers on target.
Rules are the same as for Cricket Random except at the beginning of each round machine
is changing all the numbers that has not any hit.
CUT THROATH - the same rules as for Cricket except the players who close the number
add points to oponents which did not close the number, and the winner is the player who
closes all the numbers and has the lowest score. At the end of game machine sum all
numbers which player did not hit from cricket diode (eg 1 unclosed diode of number 17