Maxxima 300
To date, several different manufacturers 100 foot (30 meter) and 150 foot (45 meters)
have been used successfully. Some disposable cassettes cause film feed problems because too much force is
required to pull film from the cassette. Bulk load products tend to be less expensive and easier to get than
their disposable cassette counterparts. Each user has different requirements and should at least feel free to
try different products so as to best suit their needs. Again, Exxtra recommends thoroughly testing any
photographic material before committing to large quantities.
3.3 Specific Recommendations
Film manufacturers are continuously making changes to their product lines to enhance the performance of
their products. The following films have been tested extensively and perform well.
They are by no means
the only film products that work well
Konica IR-100E2 film - spec 925 - 100 feet (31m) daylight bulk load - Catalog 6128-137925
Kodak Pagi-Set IR film - spec 820 - 200 feet (60 m) darkroom bulk load - Catalog 163 3619
Kodak Pagi-Set IR paper - spec 173 - 150 feet (45 m) disposable cassette - Catalog 361 4625
We recommend that you consult your imagesetter dealer or check the Exxtra Corporation Internet Web site
periodically for current recommendations and information on new film products.