Items needed for completion:
Masking tape.
Hobby knife with #11 blades.
Thin and medium CA. We highly recommend Mercury M5T thin and M100XF
medium formulas as well as the Mercury glue tips.
30 minute epoxy. Mercury Adhesives Epoxies have worked very well for us.
Blue Loctite.
Electric drill with an assortment of small drill bits.
Small flat head and Phillips head screw drivers.
Standard and needle nose pliers.
Side cutter
Metric ball driver or allen key set.
Sanding block and sandpaper.
5 x METAL GEARED servos with a minimum of 300 oz. in of torque.
Aluminum Servo Arms – 2 x 1.75” single arms, 2 x 1.5" single arms and 1 x 4”
double arm.
2 x 6” Servos Extensions
2 x 12” Servo Extensions
2 x 36” Servo Extensions
76mm Spinner
Gas/Glow version
1.40-1.80 class glow engine
30cc-40cc gas engine
Electric Version
3000+ Watt Brushless Power System
100 to 160 amp HV ESC
8S -12S Lithium Polymer batteries