13. Before beginning the next assembly process, take a few minutes with your sealing iron on a medium
heat setting and go over all seams, paying special attention to thin trim stripes and the seam at the
leading edge of the wing. If there are wrinkles in the covering on the leading edge sheeting use a heat gun
with a 100% cotton t-shirt to remove them and prevent digging into the wood with an iron. Use caution
and avoid excessive heat as you may cause the Ultracote to shrink too much and lift at the seams. Also
take the time to seal the hinge gaps with Ultracote or Blenderm tape. Clean the wings with Windex and
put them away
Rudder horn installation
14. Locate the rudder, the rudder control horns and the 2 slotted base plates. Use a sharp #11 blade to
remove the covering from the pre-cut slots in the rudder. Trial fit the 2 rudder horns through the slots in
the base plate and into the slots in the rudder. Trace around the base plate with a fine tip felt marker.
Remove the control horns and cut away the covering from the area where the base plate will mount as
done previously with the aileron and elevator.
Mix up some 30 minute epoxy and use a small blade to fill the 2 slots with epoxy. Use plenty of epoxy and
be sure to completely fill the two slots. Use an epoxy brush to completely cover the areas on the rudder
horns and base plate that will glue into the rudder. Slide the rudder horns back into their proper position
and immediately wipe the excess epoxy from the horns. Repeat this process on the other side of the
rudder making sure the horns are mounted in the same position on each side of the rudder.