33. Assemble and install your choice of gas tank in front of the wing tube socket using nylon cable ties
through the mounting tabs and around the tank. I suggest using a piece of foam under the tank. We
have had great success using the pre-assembled 4Titude Tanks.
34. Once you are satisfied with your throttle linkage, tank and plumbing and ignition installation it is
time to mount the cowl. First glue the engine box cover into place with epoxy. Next cut the cowl to clear
the mufflers and make an air exit. Take a minute to add some thick CA or Epoxy to the intersection of
the cowl and plywood cowl ring. Slide the cowl into position and secure with the 2-3mm bolts inserted
into washers, through the holes in the top of F1 and into the blind nuts installed in the cowl ring. Be sure
to use blue Loctite on all bolts!!!
35. Install your choice of prop and spinner (4" Ultimate style spinner recommended).
36. Install your switches (there are suggested switch mounting locations laser scribed in the fuselage
sides visible from the interior of the fuselage), batteries and receiver. Choose the locations to mount
your batteries to help achieve correct center of gravity. If using a tuned pipe you will need to mount the
batteries as far forward as possible.