24. Next let’s install the engine. We have made this process very easy. The centering marks have been
scribed into the front of the firewall with a laser. Download the manufacturer's mounting template and
tape it to the front of the engine box, making sure to align the horizontal and vertical lines on the
template with the laser scribed lines on the firewall. Be sure to align the template with the vertical line to
the right of the center line to compensate for the right thrust offset.
25. The distance from the front face of the motor box to the motor drive washer is 6.32 inches (this is the
length of the DA-60 with a 1 inch mount (We've had great success with the Blazing Star mounts as well as
the plywood spacers provided by DA). Drill holes at the locations provided on the template and install
the engine using the recommended mounting bolts. You may find it necessary to remove some of the
wood around the laser cut hole in the center of the firewall to accommodate the DA-60 carburetor. This
is easily accomplished with a rotary tool and drum sanding fitting.