4. Install the elevator servos, orient the output shaft toward the hinge line of
the horizontal stabilizer. It will be easier to install the servo arms after
mounting the servo. Make all hookups for the pushrods/ball links as we did in
the previous step. I recommend using the 1.75" location on the 2 inch servo
arm to maximize mechanical advantage and minimize the chance of flutter.
5. Hinge the rudder and install the control horns using the same technique(s)
as the wing. For most installations a single ultra high torque servo mounted
in the rear of the plane will be the ideal way to power the rudder. We highly
recommend the MKS HBL380 or 599 for this location. A single 1.5"
aluminum servo arm will provide plenty of travel while maintaining the best
mechanical advantage and servo resolution. Please see the following photo of
this setup for detail. If using a pull-pull setup you will need to glue a horn set
to each side of the rudder and use a 4" double arm on the servo mounted
under the canopy.