WINDOWS 95’s MS-DOS Mode for the HD Traveler
This procedure will allow you to use the HD Traveler in a pure MS-DOS
environment for those applications that will not run in Windows 95.
An MS-DOS mode icon is set up with a separate config.sys and
autoexec.bat will be run when the icon is used.
The requirements are that your system’s PCMCIA controller has to be INTEL
(PCIC) and compatible or the DOS PCMCIA socket drivers (contact your
notebook manufacturer) be loaded before the EXP device DOS drivers. If
the above requirements are met, please proceed with the following:
click mouse right button
onto the desktop’s empty
Go to “New”, then choose
Click on “Finish”
Click the mouse right button on the new MS-DOS icon
Go to “Properties”
Go to “Program”
Type in at the Command line - “C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND”
Click on “Next”