MANUGENESMARTxx - Version 2.01
© 2018 EXOR International S.p.A. - Subject to change without notice
10 Touchscreen calibration
eSMART HMI products support calibration of the interface. To start calibration proceed as follow:
1. Use the “tap-tap” procedure at boot (this procedure consists in tapping the surface of the touchscreen
during the device power-up phase. Tapping frequency must be high.
You have to start tapping the touchscreen as soon as power has been applied to the device). When the
sequence has been recognized, the system shows the message: “TAP-TAP DETECTED”.
2. Release touch and wait few seconds until the message “ENTERING SYSTEM SETTINGS” appears
3. Press and hold touch for few seconds for selecting “TOUCHSCREEN CALIBRATION”.
11 Unpacking and packing instructions
To repack the unit, follow the instructions backwards.