6 Troubleshooting
In this chapter, several malfunctions are mentioned combined with possible
causes. Please leave servicing to qualified mechanics.
6.1 Wiper does not work after switching on
• Possible causes:
1. Wiper switch is not working properly.
2. Burned or incorrectly sized fuse.
3. Electrical connections are wired incorrectly or might be damaged.
4. The wiper motor has failed.
• Solutions:
1. Test and replace it. Check if the current is (and keeps being) too high.
2. (See solution 1).
3. Measure the voltage across the motor and check all connections if there is
4. Replace the motor and check for drag or a high current.
6.2 Wiped area or park position is not correct
• Possible causes:
1. The wiper arms were placed without parking the motor first.
2. The wipe arc is set wrong or changed due to high loads (e.g. spring
pressure of arms too high, drag).
3. The wires are connected incorrectly.
• Solutions:
1. Remove the wiper arms. Run the motor shortly to park it and re-install the
arms according to chapter 3.
2. Determine the wipe arc if needed (see section 5.4) and set the wipe arc
again (see chapter 5.3).
3. Check and reconnect the wiring (see the scheme in section 3.3).
6.3 Motor runs, but arms do not move
• Possible causes:
1. Mechanical joints are loose.
2. Parts are broken.
3. Grooves of shafts are worn.
• Solutions:
1. Check if the arms are well fastened. If not, open the housing (follow
chapter 5) and check all joints and parts to see if they are loose, broken or