Design and function
Menus and sub-menus on the machine control
Expert menu (TIG)
The expert menu includes functions and parameters which are either not set on the machine control, or
which do not require regular setting.
Figure 5-30
Display Setting/selection
Expert menu
Gas pre-flow time
Setting range: 0.0 s to 20.0 s (0.1 s increments)
Ignition current
Setting range in percent: depending on main current
Setting range, absolute: Imin to Imax.
Upslope time to main current
Setting: 0.0 sec. to 20.0 sec. (factory setting 1.0 sec.)
Slope time tS1 (main current to secondary current)
Setting: 0.00 s to 20.0 s (factory setting 0.01 s)
Slope time tS2 (secondary current to main current)
Setting: 0.00 s to 20.0 s (factory setting 0.01 s)
End-crater current
Setting range in percent: depending on main current
Setting range, absolute: Imin to Imax.
activArc parameter
Parameter can also be set after activating TIG activArc welding.