Rectifying faults
Error messages (power source)
7.3 Error messages (power source)
The possible error numbers displayed depend on the machine series and version!
Depending on the options of the machine display, a fault is shown as follows:
Display type - machine control
Graphic display
two 7-segment displays
one 7-segment display
The possible cause of the fault is signalled by a corresponding fault number (see table). In the case of an
error, the power unit shuts down.
• Document machine errors and inform service staff as necessary.
• If multiple errors occur, these are displayed in succession.
• Document machine warning and inform service personnel, if required.
• If there are several errors in a control system, the error with the lowest error number (Err) is displayed.
If this error is corrected, the next higher error number appears. This process is repeated until all errors
have been resolved.
Reset error (category legend)
The error message disappears when the error is eliminated.
The error message can be reset by pressing a push-button .
All other error messages can only be reset by switching the machine off and on again.
Error (category)
Possible cause
A, B
Tacho error
Wire feed unit interference
Check connections (connections,
Permanent overload of the wire
Do not place the liner in tight radii.
Check liner for smooth movement.
Excess temperature
Power source overheated
Allow the switched on machine to
cool down.
Fan blocked, dirty or defective. Check fan and clean or replace.
Air inlet or outlet blocked.
Check air inlet and outlet.
Mains overvoltage
Mains voltage too high
Check the mains voltages and com-
pare with the power source connec-
tion voltages.
Mains undervoltage
Mains voltage too low