Instruction Booklet
115kg / 6 degree
When folding or unfolding, you must place and lay down the scooter on a flat ground
(Fig. 2)
Do not place scooter on a slope
when scooter is folded and standing.
Place and laydown the scooter
before unfolding.
On flat road
On slope
The scooter has been rated to a maximum climbable height, obstacle height, and gap.
(see section 10)
Never drive on a slope that exceeds the rated slope.
For maximum stability, lean forward in your body while proceeding up ramps, inclines,
curbs, or any low rise. (please refer to following picture)
The maximum height of obstacle and curb that scooter can
climb is up to 5 cm (A).
The maximum gap that scooter can drive over is 10 cm (B).
When driving scooter on ramp, adjust body center of gravity
for scooter stability (see section 2-4).
The weight capacity limit at different ramp degree (please refer to above picture).
Your scooter’s ability to travel up inclines is affected by your weight, your scooter’s speed,
your angle of approach to the incline, and your scooter setup.
Please avoid to driving on a long ramp or any uneven terrain to prevent any danger from
motor defected.
When driving down a ramp or uneven terrain, keep the scooter’s speed adjustment
set to the slowest to ensure a safely controlled driving.
If the speed is too fast, release the throttle control lever, let the scooter stop.
When you feel that you again have control of your scooter, push the throttle
control lever forward and continue safely driving.
To prevent any danger, do not make turns on ascending, descending ramp.
The batteries voltage normally will go up when driving on descending road.
If the battery voltage becomes too high, the over-voltage protection will be
activated by slowing the speed till the scooter stops. (error light indicator will
flash 3 times). Please pull over the scooter to the safe area, release the wigwags
and restart the scooter again.
Even though your scooter has been rated with maximum
climbable, we suggest not driving through an obstacle.
Figure 3
Figure 1
Figure 2