Instruction Booklet
Check battery capacity before driving. Recharge
the battery immediately when the red light is flashing
as the remaining power can only keep scooter going
for buffering 2 km or less
Displayed segments on panel are for reference
only. Please refer to LED indicator of charger for
more accurate charging status.
The scooter may not be able to fold/unfold when
the battery capacity status is less than 3 segments,
please recharge the battery immediately.
Touch screen version : 6 segments
Key Switch version : 5 segments
When battery gauge light trends to right (green), it indicates sufficient power capacity.
When battery gauge light trends to left (red), it indicates insufficient power capacity.
Batteries must be charged before using the scooter for the first time and should be recharged
after each day use.
Your scooter may come with standard lithium 24V/2A charger, or optional bigger 24V/4A
charger if you upgrade the lithium battery to 17.4Ah . Your scooter may come with 24V/2A
lead-acid charger if you optionally choose lead-acid battery for your scooter.
Do not alternatively use lead-acid charger to charge lithium battery, they are not compatible
and may cause damages and dangers if doing so.
There is an indicator shows battery capacity status (Figure 28)
Output Voltage: 100V~240V (Figure 29)
1.Charger output cable, 4pins connector (R)
2.AC power cord (S)
3.LED Indicator (T)
- RED LIGHT ON : Pre-charging
- ORANGE LIGHT ON : Normal Charging
- GREEN LIGHT ON: Fully Charged.
Lithium Battery Charger
Figure 28
Figure 29
Lead-acid battery charger cannot be alternatively used on lithium battery. Please
only use specific lithium battery charger for your lithium battery. Lead-acid battery
charger can be used only if your scooter comes with lead-acid batteries (optional).
(Please see section 9-1 for details)
If you want to change to optional lead-acid batteries, please contact dealer to
reset the battery system such as charging port and controller setting.
Please keep the above cautions in mind. Any battery / charger faults due to the
unauthorized maintenance, dismantle, misuse or accidental damage is not
covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.
Be aware that the battery charger case may become hot during charging. Please avoid
skin contact.
Do not cover charger by any objects. Use the charger in a well-ventilated area. Do not
smoke as explosive gases may be generated while charging the batteries
Keep the charger stored in a well-ventilated area, do not drop the charger.