Chapter 3 BIOS Setup
IDE HDD AutoDetection
This option allows detecting the parameters of the IDE device via pressing
Enter, and these parameters will automatically be displayed at the bottom of the
IDE Channel 0 Master
The default value is Auto; system will automatically detect which IDE device it
is; select “Manual” means that users have to input all these parameters
manually (it is not recommended unless the user is quite familiar with all these
parameters). Select “None” to disable that channel.
Access Mode
The default value is Auto; In CHS option, “C” represents Cylinder, “H”
represents Head, “S” represents Sector; while the “Large” option represents
extended CHS. In early times, by adding transmission in BIOS layer, the hard
disk addressing exceeds the bottleneck of 512M. LBA option abandons the
specifications of column, channel and sector and takes sector as unified
addressing for all the hard disks. To choose this option, it requires both the
BIOS and hard disk to support LBA mode. Auto means that system will decide
the way of accessing the hard disks.
Capacity: current capacity of the hard disk
Cylinder: number of the hard disk cylinder
Head: number of the read/write head
Precomp: write in the precompensation value to adjust writein time
Landing zone: landing zone of read/write head
Sector: sector number of each track
Drive A
<Drive A> means 1.44M, 3.5″ floppy disk.
There are four displaying modes in <Video> option, EGA/VGA: EGA (Enhanced
Graphics Adapter), each pixel is 4bits, 16 colors in all and support resolution of