Chapter 3 BIOS Setup
Choose this option and set current data by PageUp /PageDown, which is displayed
in format of month/date/year. Reasonable range for each option is: Month
(Jan.Dec.), Date (0131), Year (Maximum to 2099), Week (Mon. ~ Sun.).
Choose this option and set current time by PageUp /PageDown which is displayed
in format of hour/minute/second. Reasonable range for each option is: Hour (0023),
Minute (0059), Second (0059).
IDE Channel 0 Master
The four options: IDE Channel 0 Master/Slave, IDE Channel 1 Master/Slave, IDE
Channel 2 Master and IDE Channel 3 Master indicate that the motherboard
integrates four sets of IDE channels on board; channel 0 and channel 1 could
connect with two devices (master/slave); channel 2 and channel 3 could connect
with one IDE master device respectively.
When there is no IDE device detected, it will show [None]; if there are IDE devices
detected, it will show the name of the device.
IDE Channel 0 Master
IDE HDD AutoDetection [Press Enter]
IDE Channel 0 Master [Auto]
Access Mode [Auto]
Capacity 0 MB
Cylinder 0
Head 0
Precomp 0
Landing Zone 0
Sector 0
Item Help
Menu Level
To autodetect the HDD’s
size, head...on this channel
Take IDE Channel 0 Master as an example, the newly appeared menu includes the
following options: