EVFTFT219 | Installation guide ver. 1.0 | Code 144FTFT219E104
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User identification setting
Press the key
to enter the screen allowing the setting/activation of the 6 USER IDs who will have access to
functions requiring login credentials. Only user 1 is entitled to define and modify all other users login credentials (refer to paragraph
Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.
Scroll the USER ID with the arrow keys and select the ID you wish to enable/modify/disable; press the key SET to confirm or the key
ESC to go back to the previous menu.
Press keys 1 to 6 to set the new USER ID , then press SET to confirm or ESC to go back to the previous menu.
In order to disable a USER ID, press the key ON/STAND-BY : the display of “_ _ _” indicates that the user has been disabled..
Press the key
in the “service” menu to gain access to the device internal parameters. If enabled by
parameter, a user code will be required.