EV3 HP & EVD HP | Installer manual ver. 1.2 | Code 1443DHPE124
page 36 of 52
Hydraulic pump
Initial information
The functional mode of the hydraulic pump can be set using parameter Pm03: the pump may be always kept switched on or be
switched on for thermoregulation in relation to the functioning of the compressor.
In the second case, the pump switches off after a delay of PM02 from when the compressor is switched off every time it is deactivated
by the regulator. It will switch off immediately if an alarm sounds requiring the pump to be stopped, as for the flow alarm in manual re-
arm (with the flow alarm active in automatic re-arm, the pump stays switched on).
Function modes
The hydraulic pump can be set to function in two modes.
The pump is always in ON mode if PM03 = 0
The pump is switched on at the request of the heat regulator if PM03 = 1. The compressor is activated with a delay (PM01)
from pump switch-on and the pump is switched off with a delay (PM02) from when the compressor is switched off, as
shown below:
Antifreeze function
When the temperature of the input or output water is below PM04, the pump is activated automatically if it was switched off. The pump
switches off when the temperature rises above
the value of the antifreeze threshold, to which must be added the hysteresis (PM05).