c-pro 3 OEM HRV | Application handbook ver. 4.0 | Code 144CP3OHE404
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Screens to configure the type of heat exchanger, select “nonE” if no unit is present, “CrOS” for a cross-flow unit, “COIL” for a double coil unit or “rot” for a rotary unit.
Once the heat exchanger has been configured, the wizard will finish, the parameters will be set with the configurations selected and the following screen will appear:
c-pro 3 OEM HRV display and EVJ LCD and EPJ LCD user interfaces
Setup using machine code
If you chose to configure the machine using machine code in the first page, the following screen will appear:
EVJ LCD or EPJ LCD user interface
The code consists of 7 elements laid out in this order: type of fan, type of pre-heating coil, type of coil 1, modulating coil 1, type of coil 2, type of re-heating coil and
type of heat exchanger. The possible configurations are outlined in the table below.
In the EPJgraph user interface, you can move between the code elements by using the LEFT and RIGHT keys. Press the SET key to confirm the configuration of an ele-