Kapitel 6. Messaging
All messaging to and from the Router is parameterized at this point.
1. Email
Settings regarding sending and receiving of emails are made here. Direct email traffic through the device is not
provided for in order to avoid problems of spam. For direct emailing, an email server account must be used.
1.1. Emailing
By activating 'enabled' in the drop-down list, emails are included in the messaging process.
1.2. Email address
Enter the email address of the email account which is to be used by the server.
1.3. Server/Port
Enter the name of the SMTP-Server and the corresponding port of your email account.
1.4. Username/Password
If authentication is required by your chosen SMTP-Server, the relevant user data can be entered here.
1.5. Transport encryption
If the SMTP server chosen supports encrypted communication, the encryption method may be chosen at this point.
Please note that, depending on the method chosen, the ports to be used may vary on one and the same server.
Select 'none', if communication is to take place unencrypted. By selecting 'STARTTLS if available' TLS transport
encryption is automatically activated, in the case where this is supported by the server.
The option SSL/TLS always tries to establish a secure connection. If this is not possible, mails will not be deli-