Kapitel 5. Devices
This menu item contains information and configuration details of devices connected to the Router.
1. Host Configuration
Two functions are available:
1. Enter IP address and corresponding host name, as in the host file on a PC.
2. Allocate a static IP to a connected device in the LAN via the MAC address of the device.
Both functions are displayed in separate charts.
2. Data logger
The process data logger communicates with connected devices such as PLCs or Modbus subscribers and stores
up to 16 million values in an internal SQL database. It allows for optimization, production data acquisition and
fault diagnosis.
2.1. Set up connection to a device
As default, the logger function of the Router is deactivated.
Activate the data logger via the drop down menu. The logger is started as soon as you click to 'enabled'. This may
take a couple of minutes since the SQL database has to be initiated and a basic configuration has to be set up.
After start-up of the database, the following screen appears: