Enter the number of the address and FuncCode to be addressed in order to create a message area under add data-
Pressing the test button displays the current status of the byte in decimal form. The button add completes the
process; acquisition of data through the logger is started immediately.
Texts may also be added for the configured messages. Press the button Texts in order to open the input mask for
a text message.
After pressing save in order to save the texts, the input field for the texts is closed.
3. Fault messenger
The fault messenger sends messages via email and/or Web-SMS. Individual bits may be monitored for changes
of status. In case of changes, a message is immediately sent to the parameterized recipient(s). As precondition,
at least one communication channel, email or Web-SMS, has to be configured under the menu item 'Messaging'.
This is also indicated by a special message screen.
3.1. Configure message trigger
A connection to a device is configured corresponding to the settings of the data logger. Press generate. Enter the
IP of the device in the next screen and select the protocol for communication with the device.
The following communication drivers are available:
• ISO-on-TCP for S7-compatible controls (eg S7-300/S7-400)
• IBHLink-Adpater at S7-compatible controls (eg S7-300/S7-400)
• Modbus-on-TCP
In the case of S7-controls, flags as well as bits from data blocks are supported. In the case of Modbus devices,
individual coils are monitored for status changes.